

1. 选择安全的区域

  • 远离危险的礁石、沙滩或潮水。
  • 确保水深足够,以便您可以安全地游泳或玩耍。
  • 选择适合您的年龄和能力的海滩。

2. 准备装备

  • Bring a swimsuit, sunscreen, hat, and any other necessary beach gear.
  • Wear a life vest or other personal flotation device when swimming.

3. 了解水安全

  • Learn basic water safety skills, such as how to swim, float, and avoid strong currents.
  • Avoid swimming alone and always stay within sight of a companion.

4. 寻找适合的玩耍区域

  • Look for areas with gentle waves, shallow water, and plenty of space.
  • Avoid areas with strong currents or rip tides.

5. 享受玩耍

  • Play in the waves, swim, sunbathe, or build sandcastles.
  • Be mindful of others and avoid disturbing the marine environment.

6. 离开安全地

  • When you're finished playing, head back to shore slowly and avoid walking on the beach.
  • Leave the beach the way you found it, or even better.

7. 遵守海滩规则

  • Respect the property of the beach and avoid littering or damaging the environment.
  • Stay on designated paths and avoid disturbing marine life.

8. 了解当地环境

  • Learn about the local marine life and avoid disturbing or feeding any animals.
  • Respect the natural balance of the beach ecosystem.