

The facilities at the infant rest room in Macau provide a safe and comfortable environment for babies. They offer a variety of amenities to meet the specific needs of infants, including:

  • Comfortable beds: The beds are designed to provide a warm and supportive sleep environment for infants.
  • Temperature control: The temperature is carefully monitored to ensure a comfortable temperature for infants.
  • Lighting: The lighting is designed to provide a soothing and relaxing environment for infants.
  • Soundproofing: The walls and ceiling are soundproofed to minimize noise disturbances.
  • Feeding area: A dedicated feeding area is available for mothers to feed their infants in privacy.
  • Changing tables: Changing tables are provided with comfortable seating and ample storage space.
  • Diaper changing facilities: The diaper changing area is equipped with all the necessary facilities, including changing tables, diaper disposal bins, and hand sanitizers.
  • Resting areas: Resting areas are available for parents to rest and recharge.
  • Security and supervision: The rest room is well-staffed with trained staff who provide supervision and ensure the safety of infants.

These amenities ensure that infants have a comfortable and safe place to rest, feed, change diapers, and socialize with other parents.
